Friday, April 9, 2010

San Diego Cosmetic Dentist – Implants and Cosmetic surgery

San Diego cosmetic dentistCosmetic dentistry is a competitive field in San Diego. Many a skilled San Diego cosmetic dentist has taken dentistry to a new art form by providing a variety of cosmetic services to provide unsurpassed results. State of the art equipment is used in these practices. Care is taken to provide a relaxing and comforting environment so that the patient will feel confident in their experience. The highest level of expertise is demonstrated through these dentists and their commitment to excellence in the field.

Having a picture perfect white smile is important in San Diego. California is known for the health and beauty of the people that live there. A great smile can be one way to have the self confidence and self esteem to achieve ones goals and dreams. Cosmetic dentist San Diego can cover a range of procedures. These include teeth whitening, using porcelain crowns and veneers, using inlays, bonding or replacing missing teeth.

Implants are one way to permanently replace missing teeth. San Diego dental implants have proven to be the most durable and functionally effective method of tooth replacement. Implants can be virtually indistinguishable from a person’s other teeth. These are composed of a titanium material screw and a crown. A small hole is drilled in the jaw for the screw. A temporary cover is placed over the screw until the jaw heals. Once it is healed a temporary crown is placed over it. Once the gum becomes accustomed to the temporary crown a permanent one can finally be place there. Dental implants are one of the most successful procedures in San Diego cosmetic dentistry. Dental implants are not subject to cavities as other teeth are. It is important to be diligent in care. Poor dental hygiene can cause peri-implantitis in dental implants.

Careful consideration should be given to choosing the San Diego cosmetic dentist. At this time there is no referral system in place. With an increasing number of dentist offering cosmetic services the choices can be staggering. If you have been receiving regular dental check-ups then it is good to get a referral from your personal dentist. Investigate the level of experience of the cosmetic dentistry San Diego before the consultation. Use the consultation to find out as much information as possible. Your smile can be your best asset. It is the first thing that people will notice about you. Having that perfect smile can be the best way to stay confident and self assured in San Diego.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Reasons to Visit the Cosmetic Dentist

San Diego Cosmetic DentistMost people will agree that wisdom teeth serve absolutely no purpose. They start to emerge quite painfully between the ages of 17 and 25. This third set of molars were the evolutionary answer to our ancestor’s early diet of coarse, rough food – like leaves, roots, nuts and meats. The chewing power required to consume this food, combined with the lack of dental hygiene resulted in excessive wear of the teeth. The wisdom teeth were “replacement” teeth which grew in to replace the ones which wore out or fell out. The modern diet has much softer foods as well as utensils to cut the food into small pieces. For this reason, the teeth do not wear out as we age and the need for wisdom teeth is non-existent. In addition, human jaws have become smaller throughout evolutionary history, so when wisdom teeth form they become impacted or blocked by the other teeth around them. They have become “vestigial organs,” or body parts that have become functionless due to evolutions.

Many San Diego residents visit their dentist to get this procedure done because of the pain that these extra teeth can cause! Dentists and cosmetic surgeons recommend getting their wisdom teeth removed when they are young adults. After the age of 35, patients have much higher risks for complications, harder surgeries, and longer healing times that those that get the procedure done at a younger age. Also, the longer they wait, the more time the root has to firmly root itself into the gums, making it harder to remove. The best time to remove the wisdom teeth is between the ages of 15 to 18 when the roots are about two-thirds formed. A patient knows that they need to visit their San Diego Cosmetic Dentist or dental surgeon when they feel pain in the back of their mouth. Usually this pain indicates that the teeth have become impacted. An impacted wisdom tooth may accumulate food debris around the gums creating a breeding ground for bacteria. Once bacteria are present, the wisdom tooth might decay or cause other teeth to decay as well. In the case of an untreated infection caused by impacted wisdom teeth, cyst formations can appear around the tooth. The cyst may lead to bone destruction, jaw displacement or damage to adjacent teeth. When it is time to visit the cosmetic dentist Del Mar, Chula Vista and other San Diego residents have many choices! Doing research can help them to find a great dentist in the area.

In San Diego teeth whitening and veneers are two of the most popular cosmetic dentistry services. While wisdom teeth procedures can be necessary to one’s overall health, other procedures are done so the patient can feel good about their smile and how it looks. If someone’s teeth are slightly yellow but not damaged, then teeth whitening – either at home or at a dental office – may be the best and most cost-efficient option. On the other hand, if the teeth are significantly discolored or worn down, veneers are a better option. In San Diego veneers are popular because of their aesthetic appeal. For some Southern Californians, appearance can be very important. A white smile can be a very effective way to boost one’s confidence. Even if a porcelain veneer or teeth whitening isn’t needed for severe discoloration or chipped or damaged teeth, everyone wants to look good and have a white, attractive smile!